A great procedure for women who don’t really want to lose weight, but who have a few bumps and rolls that refuse to budge, no matter what you eat or how hard you exercise. Some call it body contouring, some call it fat freezing, and some call it cool sculpting. Either way, Palesa performs an advanced procedure known as “cryolipolysis”, which basically freezes and destroys the fat cells so that your body can flush it out, completely naturally.

You walk out with a few centimetres off on those areas that you are self-conscious about immediately, and you’ll see dramatic improvements within just a few, cost-effective sessions, without any surgery. At the same time, it reduces those stubborn fat pockets under the skin which causes cellulite, which in turn causes that pesky orange peel appearance. What’s not to love?


Take centimetres off those stubborn fat rolls and bumps that won’t budge with diet or exercise, and reduce those stubborn fat pockets that causes lumpy, bumpy cellulite over time.

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