Sometimes our hair loss is in our DNA, and sometimes it's hormonal. Sometimes it's because of how we style our hair, or sometimes it's really just ageing. Regardless, we at Palesa know what a woman feels like when she loses her hair, when her hairline recedes, or when it starts to thin. So, we'd like to help you get your crown back. One of our primary solutions for that is mesotherapy.

This highly advanced non-surgical procedure uses ultra-fine needles to inject oodles of vitamins and nutrient-rich ingredients directly into your scalp, to fix the issues from the inside out. The procedure is not painful at all. In fact, you may even find it quite relaxing. But when your hair grows back, stronger, and thicker than before, you're no doubt going to love it, and you're going to want more!


Heal your scalp and grow your hair back, thicker, stronger and healthier than before.

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